Members of the Armed Forces can have peace of mind knowing their families are protected.
However, not all service personnel understand the critical features of Military Life Insurance UK.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, big household insurers may not be the best place for quality, affordable coverage.
Apply for the right-sized lump sum, enabling your family to have a home free of mortgage and a cash reserve for other costs.
Benefit from options from specialist insurers not featured on the comparison engine sites.
Consider critical illness cover, terminal illness cover and income protection insurance simultaneously.
Premium tailored to your personal circumstances and role in the Military
Get A Specialist Military Quote Today:

Military Life Insurance UK
Some mainstream providers that do not have a fair approach to risk make some good money on military life insurance policies.
Chimat has done extensive research on military life insurance cover and has found several niche insurers that know the risks and can offer secure life insurance cover at an affordable price for most personal circumstances.
Click To Compare QuotesYou could argue it’s your responsibility to protect your family’s financial future without relying on death benefits and other financial protection provided by the state.
Comprehensive military life coverage from Chimat could help clear your repayment mortgage, so the insurance company essentially gifts your family an unencumbered home.
The cost of armed forces insurance and absolute military insurance can vary significantly depending on the predefined term and amount of cover.
Armed Forces Life Insurance UK
British Armed Forces personnel life cover can help protect your family’s future needs and repay a mortgage, outstanding debts, and funeral costs.
However, the Armed Forces compensation scheme, Armed Forces pension scheme, and civilian life financial support may let your loved ones down.
Towergate Military Life Insurance Quotes With Serious Illness Cover
Towergate is a specialist in military insurance for armed forces kit and travel. It also offers the Army, RAF, and Marines personal accident insurance.
The specifics of their cover include Right Dress Basic, Right Dress Kit and Home plus Right Dress Advantage.

Service Life Insurance Cost – Buy Life Insurance That Suits You
Getting your family financial security with a military life insurance policy can be very affordable.
Chimat has military personnel life insurance protection with premiums as little as 16% higher than people in more conventional occupations, depending on some personal factors.
Click To Compare QuotesSuppose your military benefits, service benefit or higher risk financial aid is significant.
In that case, other branches of the Chimat team have extensive knowledge of inheritance tax and death in service implications.
Army Life Insurance Plan With Critical Illness Cover
When studying your personal life insurance, it’s essential to quantify your financial commitments so you have the right amount of financial cover should the worst happen.
To make sure your family members are financially protected, the right cover and an appropriate amount of cover is insured. For many people, the peace of mind is vital.
If you have an interest only mortgage, your approach to family financial protection may need to be slightly different and the monthly premiums could be higher.

Best Life Insurance For Armed Forces
The big brand insurers, featured on the comparison sites and often featured on the TV ads, have proven to be some of the worst providers.
Chimat has some excellent specialist life insurance cover providers who clearly understand the increased risks while serving.
Getting a free quote from Chimat might surprise you about how little individual policies can cost, so you know your family is financially secure.
Armed Forces Personnel Decreasing Term Life Insurance Costs
Some of the most savvy military service personnel understand their own individual circumstances very well.
Getting more cover but a decreasing term policy can be the best deal. As a person’s military career proceeds, more of their family home is paid off, and the family’s savings can increase.
Click To Compare QuotesThis is why some armed forces personnel realise that the family’s needs are much greater early on and reduce over time.
Military Service Joint Life Insurance Cost
One key way to get the best rates on your active duty sum assured is to get cover for your partner simultaneously.
If your partners’ current lifestyle and health are good, one policy rather than two individual policies for the entire policy term can protect you from higher premiums.
High Risk Whole Life Insurance Policy
Some UK residents have occupations that are considered far more risky than life insurance for military.
This guide to life insurance for dangerous jobs UK will help you understand how people can get cover for other high risk jobs.
With some specific information, Chimat can use our life insurance calculator to give you an accurate life insurance quote.
They will need to know your smoker status and your family’s living costs.
Military Life Insurance Cover For Officers And People in Administration Roles
Chimat can tailor your life insurance protection to the risk of your role. So, if your role is less risky you pay a lower premium.
The Chimat insurers can cover:
Royal Marines level term life insurance
British Army decreasing cover joint life insurance policy
Royal Navy single life insurance
Royal Air Force decreasing life insurance
HM Naval Service mortgage life insurance
Features of more difficult UK armed forces cases that have been overcome:
Previous serious illness or history of mental health issues
Significant medical history or existing medical conditions
Higher occupational risk cases
Serving military in conflict zones
Life insurance policies for military personnel with dangerous military kit
Other types of insurance cover common with people with a military occupation:
Terminal illness cover insurance provider
Income protection insurance
Critical illness cover with mortgage protection
Military life insurance with bundled personal accident insurance
Personal possessions and travel insurance fee free cover
Specialist cover insurance providers offer individuals involved with or subject to :
Dangerous machinery
Hazardous materials
Historic problematic medical information
The key to protecting your loved ones or other financially dependent people is getting the right advice on the fixed sum and future monthly payments for everyday living expenses and maybe school fees.
The size of the financial safety net your family needs may be more significant than you initially calculated.
How does armed forces life insurance UK work?
It’s not as scary as it sounds. Pay monthly. You can pay this via Direct Debit. Our life insurance starts from just £7.21 a month. The claims paid come in the form of a tax-free lump sum.